VICTAS V - 402 DOUBLE EXTRA [ PIMPLE IN ] [ 1.8 / 2.0 MM / MAX ]

 Rp 650.000,00

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 Speed [Speed is the rating of the power generated by the rubber or blade. Speed can be broken down into loop speed (heavy topspin stroke) and volley speed (speed on flat contact, like a smash or volley). Using a faster blade/rubber produces faster shots which, at high speeds, reduces the amount of control.] 8.5
Spin 10.0
Control 10.0
Tackiness [Tackiness refers to the level of stickiness of the rubber surface. Traditional Chinese rubbers are usually tacky enough to lift a ball off the table by pressing the rubber on top of the ball, whereas traditional European and Japanese rubbers do not.
8+Very tacky
6 - 8Tacky
4 - 6Medium tacky
2 - 4Slightly tacky
Under 2Completely non-tacky
] 0.0 - Completely non-tacky Throw Angle [Throw Angle is the angle that the ball is projected from strokes like the loop. For a topspin loop, a high throw angle will lift the ball higher. Tacky rubbers often have a higher throw angle.

Note: This rating refers to the topspin strokes only. On an underspin chop, the same rubber with a high throw angle will actually produce a very low angle on a chop (it is reversed). This rubber should still be rated as high throw since the rating refers to topspin.
9+Very high
7 - 9High
5.5 - 7Medium-high
3.5 - 5.5Medium
1.5 - 3.5Medium-low
Under 1.5Low
] 4.0 - Medium Weight [Weight is the mass of the equipment.] 8.0 - Heavy Sponge Hardness [Sponge Hardness refers to the density of the sponge. This is measured in degrees:
8+Hard45+ degrees
6 - 8Medium Hard43-44 degrees
4 - 6Medium41-42 degrees
2 - 4Medium Soft38-40 degrees
Under 2Softunder 37 degrees
] 10.0 - Hard Gears [Gears refers to a rubber\'s ability to produce a wide range of speeds. A rubber with a wide range of speeds (many gears) can produce slow speeds (on gentle strokes) and high speeds (on hard strokes). With few gears, you may always produce fairly slow balls, or always produce fairly fast balls on lighter and harder strokes.] 10.0 - Many gears Durability [Durability refers to how long a product lasts. Do you have to replace it frequently, or does it last for years?] 10.0 - Lasts a long time!

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